The Future of NVJS
The first ten years of the Napa Valley Jazz Society were successful in so many ways, thanks to our volunteer leadership, our Sponsors and Members, our patrons, and the support of our various partners throughout the Napa Valley community and the jazz world. We set out to help bring more live jazz to the Valley and to support jazz education. Any jazz fans on the scene then and now understand our impact. Now, with more limited access to venues and diminished ticket sales, we have decided to simplify our operating model to focus only on our key assets:
Our collective passion for jazz
Access to our loyal Members, Sponsors, and patrons
Positive recognition of the NVJS brand in the jazz world
The new simplified NVJS operating model will have the following elements:
- Occasional NVJS live presentations of exceptional jazz artists, depending on availability of artists, venues, sponsorships (as needed), and turnout
- Selective promotional and operational support of live jazz presentations by other organizations
- Elimination of Membership fees and differential ticket pricing for Members – a single price for tickets
- Assistance to jazz educators and students in finding sources of financial support
Among the several changes required to implement the new operating model:
- Effective immediately, we will no longer be offering discounted ticket pricing to Members. Ticket prices will be set based on break-even projections.
- All currently active Members may continue their Membership, with only the obligation to buy a ticket or make a donation in the next year. To become a member or to renew an expired Membership, simply donate or buy a ticket. The only benefits of donating are recognition, tax deductibility, and the satisfaction of supporting a valued arts organization.
We all should take pride in delivering on our original dual missions of more live jazz to the Napa Valley and support of jazz education.